The rapid expansion of knowledge in a global community requires those who would be truly educated citizens to adopt a philosophy of lifelong learning. One must engage the mind in the study of many fields, from the fine arts and humanities to the empirical, quantitative, and social sciences. This broad encounter with the varied perspectives of the liberal arts tradition forms the domain of General Education, one of the two pillars of American higher education. By contrast, the other pillar is one’s chosen major, usually a focused study of a specific discipline and the development of required skills. The university will provide a cohesive Andrews Core Experience Program, supported by faculty committed to an effective core curriculum.
The Andrews Core Experience Program aims to develop students notable for their culture, civility, integrity, and intellect within a Christian milieu.
Thus, the faculty seeks to prepare graduates who possess knowledge, the ethical values, interests, abilities, communication competence, quantitative skills, and analytical thinking for both leadership and service, so that they may contribute effectively to their homes, work places, communities, and churches. Transmitting this foundational heritage—along with an appropriate level of knowledge and skills—forms the essential purpose of the Andrews Core Experience Program at Andrews University. As a result, the Andrews Core Experience Program strives to foster an atmosphere in which each student is encouraged to meet the learning outcomes for the Andrews Core Experience Program.
The Program provides a first-year curriculum that establishes initial expectations and basic academic skills foundational to the undergraduate experience. Anchored in four 100-level Andrews Core Experience courses, the First-year Experience at Andrews University provides first-year ‘native’ students with an introduction to academia and a balanced university life, further development of basic academic skills, and a sense of belonging to the Andrews University community.
The Andrews Core Experience addresses the following Andrews University Undergraduate Institutional Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate competence in intellectual, affective, and practical skills to prepare for careers in the twenty-first century, lifelong learning and service.
Skills for undergraduate students are:
• Information literacy
• Quantitative literacy
• Engaging diverse perspectives
• Ethical reasoning
• Analytical inquiry in the form of problem solving and creative thinking
• Communication
• Wellness
• Transferable life skills
2. Pursue enduring questions through study in core fields and explore the connections between those fields.
3. Articulate a biblical worldview in order to interpret life, learning, and civic responsibility from a Seventh- day Adventist perspective.
General Education 2023-2024 Bulletin Description
2020-2024 General Education Table for Bachelor's Degrees
For more information contact your academic advisor or the Undergraduate Dean's Office at 269-471-3411,